Seven Month old Baby Milestones

pregnancy and baby care

 What to Expect?

A 7-month-old baby is more independent and active. It’s fun to see how your baby is growing up and his activities will make you smile and laugh. Babies at this age want to do so many things like rolling, scooting backward, and front. At this age, my baby started scooting backward and forward very easily. When I  placed his toys at a little distance and encouraged him to take them, he used to move forward by pushing them upon his stomach. I never knew babies first crawl on the stomach. I was surprised and also happy. My baby was trying very hard to crawl normally. When I placed him on his stomach, he used to move forward and backward and lift his head with his chest and hands raised. I loved watching him do all this.
Some other milestones which you will notice at this age are:-
1. Motor Skills:-
  • Rolls side to side and back and front.
  • Plays with his hands and legs.
  • Drools a lot because of teething.
  • Can sit straight without any support.
  • Can pick up things like toys or finger foods with his fingers.
  • Begins to crawl.
  • Recognizes familiar faces.
  • Smiles when you play peek-a-boo.
  • Interested in each and everything around him.
  • Can hold his sippy cup or feeding bottle.
 2. Feeding Pattern:-  At this age, your baby is on 2 solid meals in a day, and breastmilk or formula milk is still the main source of nutrition for your baby. Try to introduce new healthy foods to your baby. You can check the diet chart here Diet chart for a 6-7 month baby. Babies drink 6 to 8 ounces of breast milk or formula milk 4 to 6 times a day. You can also start giving mashed food to your baby at this age. Offer some finger foods like steamed carrots, Boiled potatoes, steamed apples, and other fruits and vegetables. Cut them into long strips and place them in front of your baby. He will be very excited to see and touch and feel all those textures and tastes.
3. Height and Weight:- Your baby will weigh between 14 pounds to 22 pounds. Their height will range from 25 to 27 inches. Check this Height and weight chart of babies from 0-2 years.


4. Vision and Communication:- Your baby’s eyesight is so much improved. He can see all the things across his room. His language skills are also improving. He can understand some familiar words like no, yes, diaper, bath, ok, etc. He knows his name well now or his pet name or the name with which you used to call him. He will respond when you call him by turning his head to you.
5. Sleeping Schedule:- At this age or later baby’s night sleep will be interrupted due to teething. Not every day but only a few days when they are going through this Teething process. When he wakes up at night due to teething, breastfeed him or pat him and comfort him, he will go back to sleep once he feels he is safe with his mom and dad. If he is not teething he will sleep for 8 to 9 hours straight at night. In the daytime, babies need 2 to 3 naps of one to 2 hours. They need 12 to 16 hours of sleep a day.

Important Points:-

  • Talk to your baby when you are with him to improve his language and communication skills.
  • Encourage him to crawl by placing his toys or other things a little away from him.
  • Try to introduce new and healthy foods every day. Make sure to wash and steam them properly before serving.
  • Let your baby have meals with the family. This will encourage him to eat independently after a few months.
  • Offer finger foods and let him have them on his own.
  • At this age, your baby might develop separation anxiety. Which means they may feel alone when you are not with them. My baby used to come to my room and see me if I was there or not every 5 min though he was playing with his grandparents in the other room.
  • Buy some baby toys and play with them with your baby. You have to take at least an hour for your baby to play with him and do some activities.
  • Since your baby has started crawling, make your home baby-proof by keeping all the harmful objects locked in the cupboards. If your walls have electric sockets down, then cover them up with tape. Small objects like toothpicks, earbuds, coins, etc can cause choking hazards if your baby keeps them in his mouth.
  • Maintain hygiene all over the house now, since your baby has started to crawl and will touch every corner of the house and put those hands in his mouth.
  • Talk to your pediatrician if your baby has not yet achieved any of the milestones mentioned above and before.
  • Massage your baby regularly to relax his muscles.


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