pregnancy and baby care

Angry Mom

Taking care of kids and infants is of course the most difficult job in the world. Handling everything alone is just as same as living in depression every day. Parenting alone is the most difficult job as you have to sacrifice many of your things for your baby. Including your time, self care, career, and…

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pregnancy and baby care

Why babies cry at night?

Did your baby ever wake up suddenly at midnight crying very loudly without any reason? If yes, then you must be very much worried to know the real reason for your baby waking up suddenly crying. Sometimes though your baby is very healthy and active all day, he might wake up at night crying. In…

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pregnancy and baby care

Pregnancy Q & A

1. Can I move 20-liter water can from one place to another during pregnancy?   The Answer Is NO. Because a 20-liter water bottle is 15 kg and lifting it or turning it can put pressure on your pelvis or abdomen and doing this regularly can lead to miscarriage. Always remember that in pregnancy you…

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pregnancy and baby care

Toddler Q & A

1. My baby ate surf detergent. What to do? No problem. When babies touch the detergent or rub their hands on their faces with the detergent on their hands, it will hurt their eyes and its tangy taste will make them spit it out. So they will start crying and they won’t be able to…

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pregnancy and baby care

Newborn Q & A

1. My 5-month-old baby fell from the bed. What to do? It is quite normal for a baby to fall from a bed, chair, sofa, and cradle at this age. When they fall we as parents get heart-attack and worry so much and also cry so much. But according to me, I think God protects…

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pregnancy and baby care

Names of Allah

 The 99 Names of Allah   AR – REHMAN – The Beneficient  AR – RAHEEM – The Merciful AL – MALIK – The eternal lord AL – QUDDUS – The most sacred AS – SALAM – The Perfection and Giver of Peace AL – MU’MIN – The Absolutely Pure AL – MUHAYMIN – The one…

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pregnancy and baby care

Girl Names

 Muslim Girl Names Wondering what will be your newborn’s name? Every parent is so much worried about what name is best for their baby. We want a name that is unique, short, and with great meaning. So we ask our elders, family members, and friends, and search on the internet to pick the best name…

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pregnancy and baby care

Boy Names

 Muslim Boy Names  Wondering what will be your newborn’s name? Every parent is so much worried about what name is best for their baby. We want a name that is unique, short, and with great meaning. So we ask our elders, family members, and friends, and search on the internet to pick the best name…

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