Intermettient Fasting (IF) For Breastfeeding Mothers.

This is one of the most searched topics online regarding good health and weight loss. This has become viral nowadays and everyone is trying to follow it. But still, so many people are not seeing any results of weight loss or good health. Instead, their health is becoming worse and some people are putting on…

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Studying essentials for kids

Studying essentials are very important for students, especially kids who are just starting to enter a world full of knowledge and ideas. You can buy some of these items to make studying more interesting to keep your kid excited. In the olden days, no accessories like these were available, but still, kids studied hard and…

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Budget friendly Indian Schools In Abu Dhabi

Whenever we move to another country, the first thing we as parents think of, is our children’s education facilities. Before moving, we find out which schools are the best in that particular country and their education facilities. Of course, this is a very important task for every parent before enrolling their kids in schools. You…

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Can A Breastfeeding Mother’s Diet Affect their Baby’s Health?

After every delivery, each mother is worried about their breast milk. Every time it is a very new situation for us. Because every pregnancy is different. Your second delivery postpartum health may not be the same as when you delivered your first baby.  Your second pregnancy symptoms may not be the same as your first…

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Low lying placenta in Pregnancy

What is a low-lying placenta? This sounds like a huge complication in pregnancy whenever you hear it from your doctor or your family and friends during your 20-week abdominal scan. I was also surprised when I first heard this term from my gynecologist during my second pregnancy as my first pregnancy was very healthy and…

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Can a loop fall off on its own?

Like any other day, you are busy with your household work or NY other work and suddenly realize a hefty little thing is coming out from your vagina on its own. You will feel very uneasy and afraid but you won’t have any pain stomachache or heavy bleeding. You did not do anything. You were…

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My second delivery

Pregnancy of course is the most blessing journey of a woman’s life. This is the time when women feel loved, respected, confident, and strong, The feeling of a tiny life growing inside your womb is just unimaginable. Along with this, you may also suffer a lot if you have any complications in your pregnancy. Some…

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Fasting in Ramzan while breastfeeding

Many Muslim women are worried so much when it comes to fasting during their pregnancy and breastfeeding period. There is always confusion regarding this matter as many Muslim scholars tell women to fast during both these phases and some recommend not to fast if they are incapable of fasting. If you go to a doctor,…

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Fasting in Ramzan during pregnancy

Many Muslim women are worried so much when it comes to fasting during their pregnancy and breastfeeding period. There is always confusion regarding this matter as many Muslim scholars tell women to fast during both these phases and some recommend not to fast if they are incapable of fasting. If you go to a doctor,…

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Diet chart after C-section

C-section deliveries have become very common nowadays. Some women opt for a C-section delivery because they fear giving birth naturally or bearing all the labor pain during delivery. But most women give birth through c-section due to complications in pregnancy. Emergency c-sections are also done when the delivery doesn’t happen naturally at the last moment….

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