Baby vaccination

pregnancy and baby care

 My Baby Vaccinations

(This is the latest version of the Vaccination Chart)

  • At the time of Birth 
  1. BCG.
  2. OPV
  3. Hepatitis B (1).
  • 6 Weeks
  1. DTWP (1) / DTaP (1).
  2. OPV*(0) / IPV (1).
  3. Hib (1).
  4. Hepatitis B (2).
  5. Rotavirus (1)
  6. PCV (1).
  • 10 Weeks
  1. DTwP (2) / DTaP (2).
  2. OPV* / IPV (2).
  3. Hib (2).
  4. Hepatitis B (3).
  5. Rotavirus (2).
  6. PCV (2).
  • 14 Weeks
  1. DTwP (3) / DTaP (3).
  2. OPV* / IPV (3).
  3. Hib (3).
  4. Hepatitis B (4).
  5. Rotavirus (3).
  6. PCV (3).
  • 6 Months
  1. OPV (1)
  2. Flu Vaccine (1) dose
  • 7 Months
  1. Flu Vaccine (2) dose
  • 9 Months
  1. MMR (1)
  2. OPV (2)
  • 12 Months
  1. Typhoid (1)
  2. Hepatitis A(1)
  3. Japanese Encephalitis(JE) (1).
  • 13 Months
  1. Japanese Encephalitis(JE) (2).
  • 15 Months
  1. MMR (2)
  2. Varicella (1)
  3. PCV Booster
  • 16 to 18 Months
  1. DTwP B (1) / DTaP B (1)
  2. OPV* / IPV B (1)
  3. Hib (B)(1)
  4. Influenza
  • 19 Months
  1. Hepatitis A-2.
  2. Varicella – 2
  • 2 Years
  1. Typhoid (2)
  2. Meningococcal.
  • 4 to 6 Years
  1. MMR (3)
  2. DTwP B (2) / DTaP B (2)
  3. OPV (3)
  4. Varicella (2)
  • 10 to 12 Years
  1. Tdap & Td
  2. Td every 10 years.
  3. HPV

Important Notes:-

  • Do not skip any Vaccination. If you forget one vaccine you can check with your doctor when to give it next.
  • Some vaccinations are optional and not compulsory. You can always ask your child’s pediatrician what is best for your baby.
  • Flu vaccine should be given every year till your baby turns 5 years of age. This has become compulsory nowadays due to less immunity and more diseases today.
  • Painful vaccination is better than non-painful vaccinations as there will be no long-term side effects.
  • After Some vaccines, the baby might get a fever. Don’t panic and inform your doctor. The doctor knows best and he will give you paracetamol drops before and after vaccines which cause fever.
  • If the baby has a fever or cough and cold tell your doctor because vaccines should not be given if the baby is unhealthy.
  • Try to follow your doctor’s immunization table, do not go for any advanced vaccinations.
  • Comfort your baby before and after immunization.
  • Check your baby’s temperature every day, if he gets a fever after vaccination it should go away after 2 to 3 days. Some vaccines cause fever for 5 to 7 days.

Vaccine full forms and their uses:-

  • BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease.
  • OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) helps to eradicate polio disease.
  • Hepatitis B prevents infection from the hepatitis B virus. This virus can cause serious problems like liver failure, liver cancer, and cirrhosis.
  • DTwP vaccine contains Diphtheria, Tetanus, and whole-cell Pertussis(Whooping Cough) antigens. It fights these three diseases. Diphtheria can cause heart failure, death, brain swelling, and paralysis.
  • DTaP vaccine fights  Diphtheria, Tetanus, and whole-cell Pertussis(Whooping Cough). Whooping cough (Pertussis) can cause pneumonia(infection in the lungs).
  • IPV(Inactivated Polio Vaccine) is given with OPV to strengthen children’s immune systems and protect them from polio.
  • Hib, also known as the Haemophilus Influenza type B vaccine protects against Meningitis, Pericarditis, and infection of the blood, bones, and joints caused by bacteria.
  • Rotavirus is used to prevent a certain type of virus infection(rotavirus) which can cause diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.
  • PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) protects from pneumococcus disease which can cause blood infection ( Bacteremia), meningitis, and death.
  • The flu vaccine protects against influenza which can cause pneumonia (infection in the lungs).
  • MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. Measles can cause brain swelling and pneumonia. Mumps can cause meningitis, brain swelling, inflammation of ovaries or testicles, and deafness. Rubella can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects, and premature delivery in pregnant women.
  • Hepatitis A vaccine is used to protect against hepatitis virus which can cause liver failure, joint pains, kidney, pancreatic, and blood disorders.
  • The Varicella vaccine is used to prevent chickenpox.
  • Tetanus is used to fight tetanus disease which can cause broken bones, breathing difficulty, and death.
  • The HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer.
  • JE(Japanese Encephalitis) is an optional vaccine. It is given to prevent brain fevers that may come with mosquito bites in severe and rare cases.
  • The meningococcal vaccine is used to prevent diseases like meningitis and sepsis.


pregnancy and baby care

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