Boy Names

pregnancy and baby care

 Muslim Boy Names

 Wondering what will be your newborn’s name? Every parent is so much worried about what name is best for their baby. We want a name that is unique, short, and with great meaning. So we ask our elders, family members, and friends, and search on the internet to pick the best name for our baby.
Every religion has its own rule for naming its children. They pick names according to their traditions and their leaders. Many Muslims pick names that are of prophets as they believe that the name inspires and brings blessing to the baby. And they also believe that the baby will grow up just like the personality and behavior of the prophet. Some people just want to honor their elders or grandparents in their family so they name their baby after them believing that he will grow just like him.
Boys and girls have very distinct names based on their personalities in Islam. Girls’ names have feminine qualities like beauty, softness, princess, pearl, kind, sweetness, etc. The full Muslim name consists of either 2 names or 3 names. The first name is the honorary name or the family name that shows a link with the Islamic faith and Islamic leaders. Some of the most common first names used are Syed (Nobel leader and the direct descendants of prophet Muhammad), Shaik ( chieftain, leader, teacher), Abdul (slave of god), etc.

The 99 names of Allah can also be used to name your baby but it’s very important to use it with the prefix of Abdul meaning “slave of ” in front of the name. It’s forbidden to use The 99 names of Allah as it is to name a person or call him by that name because Allah is the only one, powerful, almighty, ruler, and the one who made us and the planet. So we cannot compare him with anyone else. He is the one and only God For a Muslim. Using non-muslim names, names without any meaning, animal names, names of other worshipping things, etc are also forbidden in Islam.

The naming ceremony of the baby is called Tasmiyah. A baby can be named before or on the 7 the day after his birth. Some parents name their baby on the day of their birth after giving azaan in their ears and then tell their name in their ears. The 7th day after birth is celebrated as aqeeqah in which the baby’s head is shaved and animal sacrifice is given. Also, silver which is equal to the weight of the baby’s hair shaved is given as charity. One or two goats depending on the baby boy or girl born are sacrificed and one-third of the meat is given as charity. For a baby boy, 2 goats have to be sacrificed and for a baby girl, only one goat should be sacrificed.
In this article, I will tell you some of the best Islamic boy names for your newborn baby.

Muslim Baby Boy Names 

  • Aadil –  one who acts with justice and fairness.
  • Amaan – The one who Protects, is most lovable and trustworthy.
  • Aamir – Full of life, prosperous, prince.
  • Abdullah – Slave of Allah
  • Adnan – Blessed, Settler.
  • Afeef – Modest, righteous, pure, religious.
  • Ali – champion, noble, high in rank.
  • Asif – strong and powerful, Forgiving.
  • Ayaan – God’s gift.
  • Azhar – brilliant, shining, bright.
  • Aabid –  worshipper, powerful.
  • Aahil – ruler, leader, great king.
  • Aakif – dedicated, attached, engaged.
  • Aarif – Knowledgeable, wise, devotee.
  • Anas – affection, love, friendliness, delightful.
  • Anwar – luminous, bright, light.
  • Arman – wish, desire, hope.
  • Arbaaz – eagle.
  • Ashfaq – sympathy, favor, noble prince.
  • Anees – friendly, companion, supreme.
  • Aarish – building great, brave.
  • Ahmed – praiseworthy, praised, Nobel.
  • Aayan – the gift of god, bright.
  • Aaftab – chief, master.
  • Ahsan – gratitude, thankfulness.
  • Akmal – complete, perfect.
  • Aleem – all-knowing, wise, knowledgable, expert.
  • Almas – diamond.
  • Ajmal – is extremely beautiful, and handsome.
  • Aqeel – wise, knowledgable, sensible, reasonable.
  • Aqib – deputy, assistant, successor.
  • Asad – lion.
  • Atif – kind, merciful, affectionate.
  • Ayub – the honest, name of a prophet.
  • Arsalan – lion.
  • Bilal – chosen, moist.
  • Basheer – the one who brings good news.
  • Baari – brilliant, outstanding, creator.
  • Danish –  knowledge, wisdom, intelligence.
  • Faisal –  the decider, ruler.
  • Faraz – high, powerful.
  • Farhan – happy, joyful, delighted.
  • Farooq – distinguishes right and wrong, judge.
  • Farzan –  wise, intelligent, sensible.
  • Firoz – fearless, gift, brave, winner, successful.
  • Faaiz – successful, victorious, prosperous.
  • Faheem – intelligent, understanding, wise, and keen.
  • Fahad – counselor, leopard.
  • Faisal – sword, decisive ruler.
  • Faiyaz – leader, helper, judge.
  • Faraz – high, exalted, top.
  • Faizan – generosity, ruler, successful, grace.
  • Ghaazi – warrior, fighter.
  • Gazanfor – brave, lion.
  • Gafoor – forgiver, merciful.

  • Habib – beloved, friend, loved.
  • Hasan – handsome, good, gentle, beautiful, well-mannered.
  • Husain –  handsome, good, gentle, beautiful, well-mannered.
  • Hameed –  praiseworthy, lovable.
  • Haider – lion.
  • Hamza – lion, strong, brave.
  • Hariz – strong, secure, guarded.
  • Harun – warrior lion.
  • Humaid –  great
  • Husnain – handsome, beautiful.
  • Huzaifa – flawless, pure, wise, intellectual.
  • Ibrahim – father of nations.
  • Ibrar – helpful, peaceful, expressive, creative, imaginative.
  • Idrees – instructor,
  • Ismail – heard by god.
  • Imran – happiness, prosperity, great pleasure.
  • Imtiaz – unique, superior.
  • Irfan – knowledgable, learning, wisdom, awareness.
  • Izaan – acceptance, obedience, disciplined.
  • Jamal – handsome, beautiful.
  • Junaid – fighter, warrior, soldier.
  • Javed – eternal.
  • Kabir – powerful, great, respected.
  • Khaleel – a true friend.
  • Khalid – immortal, eternal, never-ending.
  • Kaleem – speaker, talker, announcer.
  • Kinza – intelligent, hidden treasure.
  • Khwaja – leader, king, ruler.
  • Khurshid – sun
  • Latif – gentle, kind.
  • Mansoor – victorious, protected by God, defended.
  • Mukhtiyar – Master, successful, chosen.
  • Mujeeb – One who accepts, responder.
  • Mohammed – praised, commendable, lovable, glorified.
  • Munir – bright, brilliant.
  • Mannan – generous, the giver.
  • Matin – strong, powerful.
  • Mubin – clear, self-evident, distinct.
  • Muhsin – charitable, beneficent, beautiful, excellent.
  • Murad – desired, wishes for, wanted.
  • Muzahir – protector, defender, supporter.
  • Nabeel – noble, intelligent.
  • Nadeem – friend, companion.
  • Naveed – good news.
  • Nawaz – loving, generous, kind, prince.
  • Nidal – brave, fighter.
  • Nisar – one who sacrifices oneself.
  • Nauman – counselor, flower beds.
  • Nuzayh – pure, caste.
  • Mustafa – chosen, favorite, selected.
  • Nabeel – noble, honorable, intelligent, distinguished.
  • Naseer – helper, supporter, defender, protector, friend.
  • Umar – long-lived.
  • Owais – fearless, gifted.
  • Parvez – fortunate, victorious, successful.
  • Qaadir – powerful, competent.
  • Razzaq – provider, sustainer.
  • Raahil – path guide, traveler, one who shows the way.
  • Rafi – to raise, to lift
  • Rahim – merciful.
  • Rauf – compassionate.
  • Rasheed – wise, judicious.
  • Riyaz – garden.
  • Rizwan – grace, pleasure, satisfaction.
  • Rehan – scented, fragrance, a blessing from god.
  • Riyyan – the scent of herb, the door of heaven.
  • Suffiyan – bright, light.
  • Sahil – guide, leader, powerful.
  • Saif – sword.
  • Sajid – one who bows down to god.
  • Salman – peaceful, safe.
  • Sameer – a good friend.
  • Sarfaraz – blessed, respected, dignified.
  • Shahid – bystander, observer, witness.
  • Sharukh – self-dependent, royal face.
  • Shurahbeel – the narrator of hadees,
  • Shoaib – shows the right path, humble, and victorious.
  • Sadiq – true, honest, devoted.
  • Saaid – rising, ascending.
  • Saeed – happy, and patient.
  • Sahil – guide, leader.
  • Shadab – fresh, evergreen.
  • Shafiq – affectionate, joyful.
  • Sufyan – bright,
  • Tahir – pure, innocent, clean, modest.
  • Tariq – night visitor, star.
  • Usman – the chosen one, leader.
  • Umar – full of life, prosperous.
  • Uzair – helper, strength.
  • Wajid – inventor, finder.
  • Yahya – Alive, existing, divinely created, to love
  • Yasar – prosperity, wealth.
  • Yazid -enhance, increase.
  • Yunus – peaceful, accomplishing.
  • Yaqub – forgive, knowledgable, responsible.
  • Zaid – one who progresses.
  • Zeeshan – magnificent, glorious, respected, dignified.
  • Zubair – wise, strong, intelligent.
  • Zubin – smart.
  • Zain – grace, beauty, friend, beloved.
  • Jaleel – great, noble, glorious.
  • Sohail – gentle, bright, prominent, ease.
  • Nayel – brave, winner, strong, courageous.
  • Amal – hope, aspiration.
  • Aslan – lion, brave.
  • Jahan – World, power,
  • Riyaz – garden.
  • Rizwan – acceptance, goodwill, name of an angel.
  • Yazan – determined, resolved.
  • Yazar – writer.
  • Mukarram –  respected, honored.
  • Mujahid -fighter, warrior, strive, struggler.
  • Khasim – analytical, knowledgable, fighter, understanding, and fearless.

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