Trying to conceive

pregnancy and baby care

For many couples, getting pregnant within 3 to 6 months after marriage is very simple. They don’t even think about conceiving or apply any special methods or techniques to have a baby. While few couples try for months to years to have a baby. I have seen so many women get pregnant within one month of marriage and some get pregnant after 15 years of marriage.  This has become totally normal these days because many couples plan their pregnancy after 1 to 3 years of marriage or when they settle in life and many couples today have high infertility issues due to their lifestyle, eating habits, routine, and overall health.
Remember that conceiving or not getting pregnant is not related to only the mother’s health but both the partners are involved in having a baby. Sometimes the women may have some health issues and sometimes the men may have some fertility issues or both of them might have health issues. But in our society, women are often blamed for not having a baby without knowing the actual problem. That’s why some couples prefer checking their partner’s overall medical history before fixing their marriage date so that they don’t get any issues while conceiving.
Nowadays infertility rates are increasing very fast due to our indisciplined lifestyle and bad eating habits. Getting pregnant easily nowadays has become a little tough. To conceive in a healthy way you and your partner have to be overall healthy first. Any disease or illness in you or your partner’s body can cause issues in getting pregnant. Some women conceive very fast but they don’t have a healthy pregnancy journey afterwards. They may get many other illnesses and pregnancy-related problems throughout pregnancy, and it becomes difficult for both the mother and the baby to stay healthy as long as they are pregnant. In this article, I will tell you some tips to get pregnant easily, a healthy lifestyle to conceive faster, how to increase your fertility rate, and the correct time to try for a baby.

My Personal Experience:-

During my first pregnancy, I conceived within 3 months of my marriage. It was a healthy pregnancy and I didn’t get any pregnancy symptoms in the initial 3 months. I got to know about my pregnancy when I missed my period. Though everything was alright in my pregnancy journey, I had an emergency c-section due to the low oxygen levels of my baby and me when I was in labor pain. We started planning second pregnancy after 2.5 years.
But during my second pregnancy, I was very eagerly waiting every month to hear the good news again. There were times when I took a pregnancy test 3 to 4 days before my period every month just to know if I have conceived or not. But this time it was not at all easy. When we started to plan for pregnancy without using any protection, I got urinary tract infections continuously. Every month I faced the same issue. Got treatment from so many gynecologists but still, it didn’t seem to go away. Many told me that UTI is a very common problem in every woman and to prevent it we need to keep our bodies hydrated and healthy. A poor immune system, unhygienic vaginal area, sex without protection, eating unhealthy food, drinking less water, Sexually transmitted diseases, etc can cause frequent UTIs. So I started taking care of myself. After one month of a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle, I conceived once again. This was the happiest moment of my life. I started feeling many pregnancy symptoms before my periods. And this time I was sure that I am pregnant. But still, I waited for 2 to 3 days after my missed period and took a pregnancy test. I bought two pregnancy tests to confirm pregnancy. One I took at night and another in the early morning. And the result of both the tests came positive.
I felt very happy and then understood how hard it is to conceive. Some women are lucky to become pregnant without even knowing about their pregnancy and some women try each and every day to conceive. In my view, I think a baby is a gods gift. He knows the best when you are ready for a child and when you are not. You just have to try your best and leave the rest to him.

How To get pregnant Easily?

1. Have sex regularly 5 days after your last mensuration. As these are your fertile days in which the egg is released from the ovary. Do you know why women get pregnant more often within 3 to 6 months after marriage? Because after marriage, couples try to have sex regularly, and hence chances of conception are more during the woman’s fertile period.
2. Have healthy food that contains high fat and follow a low carbohydrate food. Food that we consume plays a very important role in our body’s overall health. The healthy we eat, the healthy we are. If you have a habit of eating more junk food or you don’t follow a correct schedule for your meals then you have to change this habit.
3. Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or underweight can increase the risk of irregular periods or ovulation problems. Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain a normal weight. Avoid strenuous exercise or weight lifting when you are planning to conceive. Regularly walking along with light yoga is enough to keep your body active and healthy.
4. If you have any diseases like BP, Diabetes, Thyroid, etc, talk to your doctor about it and make sure they are in control so that you can conceive easily and you don’t get any health issues after you conceive.
5. If you are not able to get pregnant naturally then try to take fertility supplements that are recommended only by your gynecologist. Don’t just follow your friends, relatives, or parents’ advice when taking these supplements because every woman’s body is different.  Your doctor will take an internal scan to check how good your reproductive organs are and suggest medicines accordingly. A folic acid tablet is more often given to women who are planning to conceive. Fertility supplements for both partners increase the health of the egg, uterus, and embryo in women and sperm concentration and count in men.
6. Make a good sleeping habit. Many people complain about not getting proper sleep at night. This can be due to stress, watching tv or phone before sleeping, or having dinner very late at night. Stress can seem a very normal part of our routine but it can impact your overall routine of the day. Practice yoga or go for a walk in a park when you feel stressed.  Make sure that you have your dinner 30 minutes before sleep. This will make you feel light and comfortable. You can walk a bit after dinner and have a bath or read a storybook until you fall asleep.
7. Avoid alcohol, tobacco consumption, and drugs when you are planning to conceive. All these can damage your ovarian follicles and your egg. You can have a drink once in a while but this can also take you longer to conceive than women who don’t drink at all. This is applied to both men and women. Increased alcohol consumption can decrease sperm count, quality, and sperm survival in men.
8. Limit caffeine consumption. You can have one to two small cups of coffee or tea a day and not more than that. But nowadays caffeine is present in many other foods like soft drinks, protein bars, chocolates, green tea, energy drinks, and more that are very easily available in the market. So next time while purchasing any outside food, always read the ingredients.

Getting pregnant can be difficult if you have:-

  • PCOS
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Endometriosis.
  • History of miscarriage.
  • If your age is above 35.
  • Thyroid disorder.
  • Infertility history.
  • Blocked fallopian tubes.
  • Premature ovary.
  • You are Overweight.
  • You are Underweight.

When to visit the doctor:-

  • You are not able to conceive after 6 to 1 year of trying.
  • Your age is above 35.
  • You had a history of miscarriages before.
  • You had a history of a preterm baby, ectopic pregnancy, or any other pregnancy-related problem.
  • Your periods are irregular.
  • You have some health issues like diabetes, high bp, thyroid, or any other health problems.
  • If you are your partner has any fertility issues.
  • If you have bleeding in between your periods.
  • Yellow, orange, red, black, or green discharge from the vagina every month or in between periods.

Scientific Methods of Conceiving:-

1. Surrogate mother:- This method is used when the mother is not able to nourish a baby in her womb or if she has any reproductive issues. In this procedure, sperm from the father are collected in a lab and placed directly in a woman who doesn’t have any reproductive issues and is healthy enough to nourish a baby inside her womb.
2. IVF (In-vitro Fertilization):- In this procedure, eggs from the ovaries of women and sperm of a man are collected in a lab and the fertilization is done in the lab. After fertilization, the embryo or the fertilized egg is transferred to the women’s uterus for further nourishment of the embryo or the fetus. This method is also known as a Test Tube Baby.
3. GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer):- In this procedure, the eggs from the woman and the sperm of a man are collected outside in a lab and placed inside a women fallopian tube together for fertilization and development of the embryo.
4. ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer):- In this procedure, eggs from the ovaries of women and sperm of a man are collected in a lab, and fertilization is done in the lab. After fertilization, the zygote that is formed is transferred to one of the women’s fallopian tubes for further development of the zygote into an embryo and the fetus. The only difference between IVF and ZIFT is that in IVF, fertilization is don’t in the lab and they wait till the zygote becomes an embryo and then they transfer it into the woman’s uterus. However, in ZIFT, fertilization is done in a lab and the zygote that is formed soon after fertilization is transferred into the women fallopian tube to develop into an embryo and finally into a fetus.
5. IUI (Intrauterine Insemination):- In this procedure, sperms from a man are collected, washed, and concentrated in a lab, and then they are placed directly in the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation or when the ovaries release one or more eggs so that the chances of fertilization become more effective.

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