Cradle cap in Babies

Also known as yellow patches or dandruff on the scalp of the baby’s head is very common in newborn babies. It can start anytime from 2 weeks old to one-year-old babies. It can start anytime from 2 weeks old to one-year-old babies. It can happen to any baby is not a serious problem and doesn’t…

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Pregnancy Essentials

In pregnancy, your body is going to change a lot. From physical appearance to internal hormones, everything is going to boost up and down. This will cause you so many side effects that you never got before. Like swelling, irritation, back pain, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, dry skin, pimples, knee pain, heel pain, etc. So it’s…

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First Month Baby Milestones

 What to Expect? First of all congratulations on the birth of your newborn. You are a happy parent and your baby is lucky to have you as a parent. Parents very eagerly wait for the whole 9 months of pregnancy to just see a glance of how their baby will look like. A big smile…

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How To Stop Breastfeeding

 Baby Weaning ( My Experience ) Breastmilk is considered the best milk for your baby other than formula milk or any other food for at least one to two years. The Baby’s main source of nutrition is breastmilk till 6 months of age, thatswhy doctors recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. After 6 months, when…

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Toddler Q & A

1. My baby ate surf detergent. What to do? No problem. When babies touch the detergent or rub their hands on their faces with the detergent on their hands, it will hurt their eyes and its tangy taste will make them spit it out. So they will start crying and they won’t be able to…

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Vaginal discharge in newborn baby girl

What is a Vaginal Discharge in a Newborn? It is a thick milky white or greyish liquid that comes out from the vagina of a female. You can also notice bright red colored drops of blood from the vagina. A vaginal discharge can be a serious problem and also nothing to worry about depending on…

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Kitchen organising Essentials

Any woman, homemaker, or helping husband, who works in the kitchen most of the time needs good quality kitchen utensils and cleaning items to work in peace and keep the kitchen clean and organized all the time. Nowadays many items are easily available in markets and online to keep your kitchen organized and tidy. I…

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Food chart for 1-2 year baby

 1-2 Year Baby Food Routine  Can You imagine? Your tiny baby is one year old. And you might have celebrated his first birthday very grandly. For every parent, this was the most amazing experience they had till now with their little one. We parents are always curious about our kid’s health and their way of…

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Seven Month old Baby Milestones

 What to Expect? A 7-month-old baby is more independent and active. It’s fun to see how your baby is growing up and his activities will make you smile and laugh. Babies at this age want to do so many things like rolling, scooting backward, and front. At this age, my baby started scooting backward and…

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Jaundice in newborns

Jaundice in newborns has become very common nowadays. Almost 80 to 90 percent of newborns get jaundice after they are born. Some get it very light and some may get severe jaundice. Jaundice in babies is nothing but a yellow color of the skin and eyes. There will not be any other symptoms like headaches,…

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