Trying to conceive

For many couples, getting pregnant within 3 to 6 months after marriage is very simple. They don’t even think about conceiving or apply any special methods or techniques to have a baby. While few couples try for months to years to have a baby. I have seen so many women get pregnant within one month…

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Healthy Diet plan after delivery

Delivery, either c-section or vaginal delivery can exhaust the mother both mentally and physically. Thatswhy a proper diet and rest are needed to speed up recovery for both the mother and the baby. During pregnancy, you are not allowed to eat so many foods that you like and love the most. We, pregnant women, wait…

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Irregular Periods

What Are Irregular Periods? The average menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days which means you will be getting your period after every 28 days. It’s not necessary to get periods exactly on the same date. Sometimes you may get it 3 to 7 days early or 3 to 5 days late. This is considered normal….

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Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs In Women and Men Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are infections in the private area or the genital area of the women like infections in the vagina, urethra, ureters, Urinary bladder, and in rare cases, the infection can get worse and affect the kidneys and enter into the blood too. These infections are caused by…

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Birth control methods

  Go With What You’re Confident and Comfortable With Many couples plan their children after 3 to 4 years of marriage due to many reasons. It’s their personal choice and nobody has the right to force them to have a baby. They may have some plans for their future and the baby’s future, so they…

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The First Menstruation

 All You Need To Know Menses or Menstruation is something that no one wants to talk about. Even females feel a little awkward when they talk about it. I don’t understand why. This is a natural process and it’s a part of every women’s life. It should be discussed so that every woman has some…

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Planning For a second baby?

 Every Parent Must Know Expanding your family will bring more joy and excitement in your life along with some more hard work and stress. But trust me happiness is 80% and stress will only be 30% because for every parent children are the greatest gifts from god. This one feeling in your heart is enough…

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Problems After Stopping Breastfeeding

 What To Expect? Though breastfeeding will be a little tough during the initial days after childbirth, it is the easiest and healthiest way to feed your baby quickly. You can offer your breast right away when your baby is hungry or when he is hurt to comfort him. Mainly at night when your baby wakes…

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How To Stop Breastfeeding

 Baby Weaning ( My Experience ) Breastmilk is considered the best milk for your baby other than formula milk or any other food for at least one to two years. The Baby’s main source of nutrition is breastmilk till 6 months of age, thatswhy doctors recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. After 6 months, when…

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Postpartum Health Of a Mother

 Post-Pregnancy Care After C-section/Vaginal Birth A new mother is just like a newborn baby who needs utmost care to be healthy in the future. So many people don’t know about this and take ma other’s health lightly thinking that she will cure it on her own and that he is a grown-up and can handle…

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