pregnancy and baby care

Jaundice in newborns

Jaundice in newborns has become very common nowadays. Almost 80 to 90 percent of newborns get jaundice after they are born. Some get it very light and some may get severe jaundice. Jaundice in babies is nothing but a yellow color of the skin and eyes. There will not be any other symptoms like headaches,…

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pregnancy and baby care

Performing Umra in pregnancy

Performing Umrah or Hajj for beginners takes a bit of work. Because there will be so much to walk around Mecca, Kaaba, and Madina, and explore everything in the city of Mecca and Medina if you are going there for the first time. Your legs are going to hurt a lot after completing your Umrah…

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pregnancy and baby care

Diet chart after C-section

C-section deliveries have become very common nowadays. Some women opt for a C-section delivery because they fear giving birth naturally or bearing all the labor pain during delivery. But most women give birth through c-section due to complications in pregnancy. Emergency c-sections are also done when the delivery doesn’t happen naturally at the last moment….

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pregnancy and baby care

Newborn belly button

The newborn belly button is one of the scariest things to see on your baby’s stomach. The way it looks scares us a lot. We already know that the placenta is connected with the baby’s belly button through the umbilical cord to provide food and nourishment to the baby from the mother’s womb. After birth,…

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