pregnancy and baby care

The Third Trimester

 What  To Expect? ( Week 28 to Week 40) This is the most challenging phase of your pregnancy. There are only a few more weeks left for your delivery and you have to be ready now with everything to welcome your baby. Your belly will be bigger now and you never know when your water…

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pregnancy and baby care

Pregnancy Essentials

In pregnancy, your body is going to change a lot. From physical appearance to internal hormones, everything is going to boost up and down. This will cause you so many side effects that you never got before. Like swelling, irritation, back pain, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, dry skin, pimples, knee pain, heel pain, etc. So it’s…

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pregnancy and baby care

Toys for 6 to 9 month old baby

 Toys Review This is the time when your baby needs more toys or things to explore and learn. At this age, your baby can sit straight without support, can crawl, walk a bit and use his hand to hold and shake toys. Their hand-eye coordination is increasing. Their brain development is increasing rapidly. Everything in…

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pregnancy and baby care

Planning For a second baby?

 Every Parent Must Know Expanding your family will bring more joy and excitement in your life along with some more hard work and stress. But trust me happiness is 80% and stress will only be 30% because for every parent children are the greatest gifts from god. This one feeling in your heart is enough…

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pregnancy and baby care

The Second Trimester

 What To Expect? (Week 13 to Week 27) Welcome to the second phase of your pregnancy. You have successfully passed the first trimester with so much patience and also the happiness of welcoming a new human being into this world. In the last three months, you may have faced many health issues but now many…

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pregnancy and baby care


 Why Do Miscarriages Happen? A Miscarriage or loss in pregnancy can be heartbreaking for both the parents mainly the mother because she was the one carrying the baby. Some women often go into depression after a miscarriage because everyone around points out their mistakes and tells them that the loss of a baby is only…

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pregnancy and baby care

Hospital Bag Essentials

The whole 9 months of pregnancy, we very eagerly wait for our newborn’s arrival. You just want to see your baby as soon as possible and you’re very excited about how will he look like, and what clothes and other products should we buy for him when he comes into this world. We shop a…

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