Newborn Essentials

First of all, congratulations on your newborn baby. I can understand how happy and excited you are. Parenthood is the most cherishing phase of life. Babies and toddlers make your life colorful. Their small milestones and a smile, make you forget all the depressing thoughts. And sometimes they make you depressed too. Try to enjoy…

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Studying essentials for kids

Studying essentials are very important for students, especially kids who are just starting to enter a world full of knowledge and ideas. You can buy some of these items to make studying more interesting to keep your kid excited. In the olden days, no accessories like these were available, but still, kids studied hard and…

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My first flight journey with my kids

Before my marriage, I traveled to Gulf countries often because I had lived in Saudi Arabia for ten years. We shifted to the Gulf with family when I was just 10 years old. I did all my studies there and did distance education staying in the Gulf for my degree. After marriage, I settled in…

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Quick snacks for a hungry kid.

A kid at home is the most hungry person in the whole family. You may complain that your kid doesn’t eat anything throughout the day. This is true because kids don’t like to eat our normal daily meals. They want snacks and colorful food items. And we mothers get stressed when our kids do not…

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Right age for playschool and preschool

If your child turned 2 years old, then you might be thinking of starting his early school education. That is playschool or preschool. But do you know what is the right age for sending your kids to school? Every country has different rules and guidelines on the age of the child to be admitted to…

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Budget friendly Indian Schools In Abu Dhabi

Whenever we move to another country, the first thing we as parents think of, is our children’s education facilities. Before moving, we find out which schools are the best in that particular country and their education facilities. Of course, this is a very important task for every parent before enrolling their kids in schools. You…

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Budget friendly Indian schools in Dubai

Whenever we move to another country, the first thing we as parents think of, is our children’s education facilities. Before moving, we find out which schools are the best in that particular country and their education facilities. Of course, this is a very important task for every parent before enrolling their kids in schools. You…

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My Sons First KinderGarden Project – The Hut Model

Every parent is going to come through his beautiful phase of our kid’s school projects, exams, practices, and charts. In the olden days, we as parents helped our kids with projects when they studied in 4th and 5th classes. I was really surprised to learn that my 4-year-old nursery boy had to do a school…

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My kids first day at school

School is vital in our children’s everyday lives. It has become a routine for every parent and child. School means quality education and a good life, according to many elders. Basic Education is essential for everyone to lead a day-to-day life. Nowadays, due to a boost in technology and science, education has become the priority…

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Fever in Babies

 How To Take Care Of Your Baby During Fever Have you and your baby been awake all night with tension, pain, and crying? If yes, then you might know what a fever is in babies. We cannot see our little sweetheart crying continuously with a warm body and very irritable behavior. Every Parent is worried…

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