pregnancy and baby care

Toys for 6 to 9 month old baby

 Toys Review This is the time when your baby needs more toys or things to explore and learn. At this age, your baby can sit straight without support, can crawl, walk a bit and use his hand to hold and shake toys. Their hand-eye coordination is increasing. Their brain development is increasing rapidly. Everything in…

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pregnancy and baby care

Using phone in pregnancy

 Disadvantages And Harmful Effects You might be a little upset after reading the heading of this article. But don’t worry using a mobile phone or any other electronic device during pregnancy in a limited way will not cause any harm to you or your baby. Doctors and other health experts warn pregnant women against using…

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pregnancy and baby care

Food chart for 6-7 month baby

6-7 Month Baby Food Routine 6-Monthh Baby Tips and Tricks:- Since you’re going to start solid food for your baby you shouldn’t think that they will eat just the way we have three meals and snacks in between. It’s their first time and they don’t know anything about food. So it takes time for them…

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pregnancy and baby care

Jaundice in newborns

Jaundice in newborns has become very common nowadays. Almost 80 to 90 percent of newborns get jaundice after they are born. Some get it very light and some may get severe jaundice. Jaundice in babies is nothing but a yellow color of the skin and eyes. There will not be any other symptoms like headaches,…

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pregnancy and baby care

Travelling With Newborn

 How To Plan Your Journey With a 1 to 6-Month-old Baby? You may be excited to travel with your baby and enjoy your family time together to build a strong relationship between you and your family. Your baby will also be excited to see new things around him and tries to explore them. But traveling…

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pregnancy and baby care

Pregnancy Q & A

1. Can I move 20-liter water can from one place to another during pregnancy?   The Answer Is NO. Because a 20-liter water bottle is 15 kg and lifting it or turning it can put pressure on your pelvis or abdomen and doing this regularly can lead to miscarriage. Always remember that in pregnancy you…

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pregnancy and baby care

Cow Milk to Babies

 Introducing Cow Milk To The Baby Have your baby turned one year old? How did you celebrate his Birthday? Did you start giving cow milk? You might be very happy by seeing your baby turning one year old by passing through so many milestones. Taking care of a baby is not so easy. It requires…

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