pregnancy and baby care


 Reality Of Stammering Today In a very busy and developing world today where everyone is busy with their work and gaining success there are some people I mean very few mainly 15% of the people in this world suffer from a depressing disease called STAMMERING. It is also called SHUTTERING. People who shutter usually don’t…

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pregnancy and baby care

Women western clothes

Women love shopping so much. When it comes to buying clothing it is not enough for us though we buy 10 to 20 dresses. Because of the latest designs and fashion, we want to try every new dress and look beautiful. Nowadays online shopping has become very popular. It’s easy to buy a dress online…

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pregnancy and baby care

Temper Tantrums in Children

 How To Deal with Them Have you ever seen your child from 18 months old to 3 years child becoming sad suddenly, lying on the floor suddenly, crying without any reason, not coming to you when you call them, sudden mood change, change in behavior, Hitting others, Hurting himself or others, throwing away things, etc?…

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pregnancy and baby care

Girl Names

 Muslim Girl Names Wondering what will be your newborn’s name? Every parent is so much worried about what name is best for their baby. We want a name that is unique, short, and with great meaning. So we ask our elders, family members, and friends, and search on the internet to pick the best name…

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pregnancy and baby care

Baby cleaning Essentials

 All You Need To Keep Your Baby Clean Cleaning and maintaining proper hygiene for your newborn or your toddler is very important. Especially keeping the newborn always clean is very important because their immunity is very low and they may develop rashes or other infections if proper hygiene is not maintained around them. Nowadays there…

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pregnancy and baby care

Trying to conceive

For many couples, getting pregnant within 3 to 6 months after marriage is very simple. They don’t even think about conceiving or apply any special methods or techniques to have a baby. While few couples try for months to years to have a baby. I have seen so many women get pregnant within one month…

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