
Introducing food to baby

 My Personal Experience  Introducing food to your babies can be one of the greatest milestones a parent can ever experience. We, parents, are just very eager to know when our baby can start having solid food with different varieties, I was also very curious and learned about everything that I need to know to introduce…

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 Why Do Miscarriages Happen? A Miscarriage or loss in pregnancy can be heartbreaking for both the parents mainly the mother because she was the one carrying the baby. Some women often go into depression after a miscarriage because everyone around points out their mistakes and tells them that the loss of a baby is only…

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My newborn story

How My Baby Fought Jaundice & Sinus Disease What is Jaundice? Jaundice occurs when there is too much bilirubin in the baby’s blood. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that comes from the breakdown of red blood cells(RBCs). It is present in the Liver. The liver removes bilirubin and passes it out through the stool. In…

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Postpartum depression

This is a change in the physical, emotional, psychological, social, and behavioral health of a woman after childbirth. It happens to most women and it’s necessary to take self-treatment or counseling as soon as possible. So many WOMEN don’t know about this and they think it’s their fault that they are not normal like before….

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My c section

How I Fought The Pain? Two FEELINGS are considered to be as PAINFUL as DEATH One is the DEATH itself Another is GIVING BIRTH to a BABY This was on the 7th of August 2019 at midnight 3 am, my baby in my womb was continuously moving around. It’s a magical feeling for a mother…

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 Reality Of Stammering Today In a very busy and developing world today where everyone is busy with their work and gaining success there are some people I mean very few mainly 15% of the people in this world suffer from a depressing disease called STAMMERING. It is also called SHUTTERING. People who shutter usually don’t…

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What is Depression Today? Depression is a very common and very serious mental illness. It is a type of disease in which the brain stops functioning actively like before. It is a mood disorder in which the person feels sadness and a lack of interest. It can happen for various reasons like loss of job,…

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