Fourth Month Baby Milestones

What To Expect? Congratulations on your beautiful journey till now with your baby. Those last three months may have been a little tiresome to you but now you can enjoy yourself with your baby. As your baby now has developed much more in terms of sleeping, feeding, and activities. Some of the milestones which your…

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Third Month Baby Milestones

 What to Expect? It’s time for you to get a little rest as your baby is now on his correct schedule of sleeping, feeding, and playing. Babies at this age are more aware of their surroundings and are busy staring at and understanding the things around them. Your baby will look like a cute panda…

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Second Month Baby Milestones

 What to Expect? Your baby is now ready for the new world outside. She is very keen to know what’s going on around her. So spend much much time with her. Make her comfortable in your environment. A second-month baby will have a few milestones:- 1. Sleeping Pattern:- At this age, babies sleep 15 to…

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First Month Baby Milestones

 What to Expect? First of all congratulations on the birth of your newborn. You are a happy parent and your baby is lucky to have you as a parent. Parents very eagerly wait for the whole 9 months of pregnancy to just see a glance of how their baby will look like. A big smile…

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