pregnancy and baby care

Boy Names

 Muslim Boy Names  Wondering what will be your newborn’s name? Every parent is so much worried about what name is best for their baby. We want a name that is unique, short, and with great meaning. So we ask our elders, family members, and friends, and search on the internet to pick the best name…

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pregnancy and baby care

Traveling with Toddler

 Safety Measures And Precautions Traveling with a toddler can be both very exciting and stressful. Your baby is not going to sit in one place if he is more than one year old. He just wants to roam around in-flight, train, and bus. He is very excited to explore and see many people and kids…

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pregnancy and baby care

Travelling With Newborn

 How To Plan Your Journey With a 1 to 6-Month-old Baby? You may be excited to travel with your baby and enjoy your family time together to build a strong relationship between you and your family. Your baby will also be excited to see new things around him and tries to explore them. But traveling…

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pregnancy and baby care

Travelling During Pregnancy

 Is It Safe Or Risky? Before planning a trip or a holiday during pregnancy you have to note down so many things to travel safely without any emergencies or complications. The safest time to plan a trip during pregnancy is in your second trimester if you don’t have any pregnancy complications and you and your…

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pregnancy and baby care

Temper Tantrums in Children

 How To Deal with Them Have you ever seen your child from 18 months old to 3 years child becoming sad suddenly, lying on the floor suddenly, crying without any reason, not coming to you when you call them, sudden mood change, change in behavior, Hitting others, Hurting himself or others, throwing away things, etc?…

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pregnancy and baby care

How To Avoid Screentime

 For babies Less than and More than 2 years Is your baby getting addicted to screen time? Have you experienced any behavioral changes in your baby after introducing him to screens? Not listening to you? Not paying attention? Not interested in other activities? Then it’s very important to limit screen time but don’t completely stop…

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pregnancy and baby care

Baby Height and Weight Chart

 0 to 2 Years              AGE            BOYS WEIGHT        BOYS HEIGHT        GIRLS WEIGHT       GIRLS HEIGHT Newborn            7.4 lb (3.3 kg)          19.6″ (49.8 cm)         7.3 lb (3.3…

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pregnancy and baby care

Baby vaccination

 My Baby Vaccinations (This is the latest version of the Vaccination Chart) At the time of Birth  BCG. OPV Hepatitis B (1). 6 Weeks DTWP (1) / DTaP (1). OPV*(0) / IPV (1). Hib (1). Hepatitis B (2). Rotavirus (1) PCV (1). 10 Weeks DTwP (2) / DTaP (2). OPV* / IPV (2). Hib (2)….

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pregnancy and baby care


 Reality Of Stammering Today In a very busy and developing world today where everyone is busy with their work and gaining success there are some people I mean very few mainly 15% of the people in this world suffer from a depressing disease called STAMMERING. It is also called SHUTTERING. People who shutter usually don’t…

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