pregnancy and baby care

Using phone in pregnancy

 Disadvantages And Harmful Effects You might be a little upset after reading the heading of this article. But don’t worry using a mobile phone or any other electronic device during pregnancy in a limited way will not cause any harm to you or your baby. Doctors and other health experts warn pregnant women against using…

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pregnancy and baby care

Newborn flat head

First of all, a hearty congratulations to all the new moms who have just delivered a cute little bundle of joy. The first cry of the baby will always make the mother smile and cry with happiness. Don’t know how those feelings come out all by themselves. Maybe because we nourished him inside our stomach…

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pregnancy and baby care

Planning For a second baby?

 Every Parent Must Know Expanding your family will bring more joy and excitement in your life along with some more hard work and stress. But trust me happiness is 80% and stress will only be 30% because for every parent children are the greatest gifts from god. This one feeling in your heart is enough…

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pregnancy and baby care

Food chart for 6-7 month baby

6-7 Month Baby Food Routine 6-Monthh Baby Tips and Tricks:- Since you’re going to start solid food for your baby you shouldn’t think that they will eat just the way we have three meals and snacks in between. It’s their first time and they don’t know anything about food. So it takes time for them…

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pregnancy and baby care

Toys for 0 to 3 month old baby

 Toys Review For the first three months of your baby’s life, your baby is busy sleeping, feeding, and peeing.  He plays a little. You spend so much of your time with your baby taking care of him that he doesn’t need anyone else but your presence. At times when you are not near him, you…

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pregnancy and baby care

Dengue in kids

Dengue is very common nowadays mainly during the rainy season. It was considered one of the deadliest diseases many years ago as there was no treatment discovered till then. People used to die due to dengue fever. It’s symptoms are very strong and drastic. The death rate was very highly seen in pregnant women, infants…

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pregnancy and baby care

Baby bathing

 All The Things You Need Bathing your newborn baby is not an easy task. You have to take care of many things. But babies love bathing. It relaxes all their muscles and they feel fresh. It helps in the growth and development of your baby. It helps in cleaning all the bacteria, dirt, sweat, infections,…

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pregnancy and baby care

Performing Umra in pregnancy

Performing Umrah or Hajj for beginners takes a bit of work. Because there will be so much to walk around Mecca, Kaaba, and Madina, and explore everything in the city of Mecca and Medina if you are going there for the first time. Your legs are going to hurt a lot after completing your Umrah…

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pregnancy and baby care

Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs In Women and Men Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are infections in the private area or the genital area of the women like infections in the vagina, urethra, ureters, Urinary bladder, and in rare cases, the infection can get worse and affect the kidneys and enter into the blood too. These infections are caused by…

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