Dengue in pregnancy

Any mild fever or any other health problem during the pregnancy phase is considered to be very fatal to both the baby and the mother. So when people hear of dengue or typhoid fevers during pregnancy, they panic a lot and think this will definitely hurt the unborn baby growing inside the mother’s womb. But…

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2- to 3-year-old baby milestones

What To Expect? Many parents think that at this age their cute little baby has grown into a big kid. And they expect s much from their little kid like to talk properly, play with other children, have food on their own, remove or wear their clothes, listen to you like other elder kids, etc,…

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Water leak from vagina During Intercourse in Pregnancy

You may be really be tensed right now and thatswhy you came here searching for what happened to you, that never happened before. You are very eager to know if your baby is safe inside or if there is some complication due to this incident that just happened to you. And that incident is a…

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Typhoid in Toddlers

Typhoid itself is a huge disease and young children or toddlers getting it is a very serious problem for both the children and their parents. Because we all lose so much immunity and strength during this disease. We as parents cannot see our children suffering from a mild cold or cough. Suddenly getting typhoid can…

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Fever and cold in Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a phase of physical and emotional weakness, these fevers, colds, flu, and cough make this phase even worse. Right after conceiving, a woman’s body goes through many hormonal and physical changes. This may disturb your health and routine. You may feel weak, exhausted, tired, have mood swings, headache, abdomen pain, back pain,…

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Trying to conceive

For many couples, getting pregnant within 3 to 6 months after marriage is very simple. They don’t even think about conceiving or apply any special methods or techniques to have a baby. While few couples try for months to years to have a baby. I have seen so many women get pregnant within one month…

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Recurrent Fever In Toddlers

Has your healthy and strong toddler been falling ill often these days without any reason?  According to me, every child is going to go through this phase in their childhood at some time or the other. The same happened to my child too. This usually happens because of the low immune system your child developed…

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Early symptoms of Pregnancy

 Before You Miss Your Period   Pregnancy is of course a beautiful moment in every women’s life. It is the most memorable journey of a parent, especially a mother. Many women or parents who are planning for kids at a certain period of time in their lives are so much curious to know if they…

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Toddlers crying without any reason

Newborns cry a lot the whole day to express their feelings or if they want something. Crying is the only language they know to express their feelings. They also know that they will get whatever they want if they cry. So they cry when they are feeling uncomfortable, need a diaper change, feel hungry, or…

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Sunstroke in babies and kids

So many people like summers a lot overwinters or any other season. That’s because you can stay in AC the whole day, wear lightweight comfortable clothes, drink lots of cold drinks and ice cream, and enjoy yourself at the beach with family and friends. Many schools give summer holidays too, for children to stay at…

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