Traveling with Toddler

 Safety Measures And Precautions Traveling with a toddler can be both very exciting and stressful. Your baby is not going to sit in one place if he is more than one year old. He just wants to roam around in-flight, train, and bus. He is very excited to explore and see many people and kids…

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Travelling With Newborn

 How To Plan Your Journey With a 1 to 6-Month-old Baby? You may be excited to travel with your baby and enjoy your family time together to build a strong relationship between you and your family. Your baby will also be excited to see new things around him and tries to explore them. But traveling…

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Travelling During Pregnancy

 Is It Safe Or Risky? Before planning a trip or a holiday during pregnancy you have to note down so many things to travel safely without any emergencies or complications. The safest time to plan a trip during pregnancy is in your second trimester if you don’t have any pregnancy complications and you and your…

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Birth control methods

  Go With What You’re Confident and Comfortable With Many couples plan their children after 3 to 4 years of marriage due to many reasons. It’s their personal choice and nobody has the right to force them to have a baby. They may have some plans for their future and the baby’s future, so they…

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Toys for 1 to 2 year old baby

 Toys Review A 1 to 2-year-old baby is more active, sharp, healthy, and happy. He is always running around, trying to talk to you, interested in going out, and of course very much afraid of strangers. He loves to do his creativity with different things around him and his toys. He loves when you encourage…

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Toys for 9 to 12 months old baby

Toys Review Your baby has started crawling and walking by now. He is very busy moving all around the house. He is busy exploring his skills and the environment around him. It’s time to keep all the dangerous items away from your baby’s reach like glass containers, harmful chemicals, detergents, cleaning liquids, and hot utensils….

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Toys for 6 to 9 month old baby

 Toys Review This is the time when your baby needs more toys or things to explore and learn. At this age, your baby can sit straight without support, can crawl, walk a bit and use his hand to hold and shake toys. Their hand-eye coordination is increasing. Their brain development is increasing rapidly. Everything in…

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Toys for 0 to 3 month old baby

 Toys Review For the first three months of your baby’s life, your baby is busy sleeping, feeding, and peeing.  He plays a little. You spend so much of your time with your baby taking care of him that he doesn’t need anyone else but your presence. At times when you are not near him, you…

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Toys for 3 to 6 month old baby

 Toys Review For the first 2 months, your baby will always be sleeping, eating, and peeing. She is not very much interested to know about her environment. Because many changes are going on in your baby’s body to adjust to the entire environment. Your presence is enough for them. They love to see you in…

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Quick Baby Recipies

When we are busy with our routine or office work we prefer quick recipes for us and for our babies. Babies from 6 months to one year love eating porridge and fruit purees and juices. These recipes can also be travel-friendly. And babies love them. So without wasting any time let’s look at these recipes….

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